Welcome to the L-Ames website

Contact info: see business card



Portland OR, Aug. 2024

Solar Eclipse in Texas, April 2024



Houston TX, March & Sept, 2023

Super-bloom at Carrizo Plains, Calif, Apr. 2023

Europe (Czechia & Germany), May 2023

Cobb CA, Aug. 2023

and miscellaneous photos from the year.



day-trip to SF, Nov. 2022


MidEast Tour, Oct. 2022

Portland, OR, Aug. 2022

Glenn Ave. Block Party, Aug. 2022

4th of July parade



The year in review.

(Also: salmon in the Los Gatos Creek, and Christmas in Willow Glen)



Remembering Liv (1947 - 2020)



The Christmas lights of Willow Glen

Halloween, with over 1,000 trick-or-treaters.

Europe in the fall, visiting both Norway and Barcelona Spain

We visit the redwoods with Liv’s brother and sister-in-law

Roadtrip to LA w/ sister to visit nephew

VivaCalleSJ street festival, May 2019

India, Feb & March 2019

grandkids come for Uncle Leif’s birthday

grandkids on a rainy Feb day: go to the museum!



Thanksgiving, and a ride on the Niles Canyon Train-of-Lights, Nov. 2018

Halloween, with over 1,100 trick-or-treaters.

Houston Texas, Oct. 2018

Norway and the women chemists’ reunion, Sept. 2018

Portland Oregon, July 2018

Ventura and the Channel Islands, April 2018

[and a presentation on the Los Gatos Creek Trail, May 2018.]



Grandsons Jules & Pasqual thru the year

various festivals and tours: Glenn Ave. Block Party, VivaCalleSJ, Dia de los Muertos, Day on the Bay, Coyote Meadows tour, Los Gatos Creek

Willow Glen Trestle “Redetermination” hearing in Sacramento, 10/27/17

Road trip, Houston to LA, Oct 2017

Big Sur bike ride, Sept. 2017

solar eclipse in northern Oregon, Aug, 2017

bike-ride, Scranton PA - NYC, plus a week exploring Manhattan (June-July 2017)

Willow Glen Trestle: celebration of listing on State Historic Register, June 2017

Hearing in Pasadena on the WG Trestle, May 2017

Cherry blossoms in Washington DC, with stops in Houston TX before & after (April 2017)

Valentine’s Day in Yosemite



Grandsons Jules and Pasqual thru the year


Liv’s whirlwind 5-Cousin tour of the Bay Area, Oct. 2016


Cruising down the Danube river,

            and visiting Norfolk England (August 2016)


The Fourth of July

Visiting my sister Margaret in Houston TX, (June 2016)

            and a retrospective on her late husband Dave.


Logan & John’s wedding, 6/19/16

The bathroom remodel (Sept 2015- Sept 2016)

            and Liv’s escape (April 2016: the Liv & Laura “Norwegian Wood” Tour)



grandson Jules

Halloween 2015

trip to Arizona and the Sahauro High School class reunion

Houston TX

Honored by San José Parks Foundation

Nature hikes near Ashland, Oregon

Liv’s Norway trip

Utah arches, hoodoos, and canyon-lands


link to NASA website on the DSCOVR (Triana) satellite, which I worked on in 1999.


Christmas in Willow Glen
Pinnacles National Park
bike-ride, Minneapolis to Milwaukee, and home via the California Zephyr
burrowing owls
Retirement Party from Lockheed Martin after 30 years
my talk at the Colloquium: “How to Become a Mad Scientist, in Two Easy Steps”

Christmas lights of Willow Glen
whale-watching in California
Europe: Denmark, Sweden, and Norway
biking: century around-the-bay; Mt. Hamilton; and SF with Liv
quest to save historic train trestle: photos and video
Niece’s wedding in Argentina

Around-the-Bay bike-ride (w/ coworker Jeff Green & his group, and Leif) & turn-by-turn instructions
bike-ride, Pittsburgh to Washington DC
camping in Death Valley with Michael Ellis

exploring the Pacific Northwest without a car: PDF; individual photos

Italy & Norway

Napa Valley / Russian River bike ride
Odd’s 90th Birthday

Larry, Leif & coworker bike around Lake Tahoe, 2008
Arctic Cruise in winter

Description: Description: Description: Description: E:\INTEREST\l-ames website\slug.jpgLeif's robot
Larry & Leif bike from LA to San Diego, 2007

Larry & Leif bike to LA, 2006

Halloween, 2005
Larry & Liv Bikeride thru New England, 2005
Wildflowers in Death Valley, 2005


family portrait, Christmas Eve, 2004
Christmas Day bike ride, 2004

Christmas Day Family Portrait, 2004

Larry’s Bikeride to Los Angeles:

Larry's bike ride to Los Angeles (Aug. 2004)

Trip to Europe:

the overall route map;
Switzerland/Liechtenstein/Austria; England; and Norway.



Round-the-country road trip

Los Gatos Creek Urban Stream Restoration Project
photos: 1993-96
technical paper


Oral histories

Liv, as told to her sister Marit, 2/23/20 [(low-res) (high-res)]

Larry, as told to his sister Margaret, 6/28/20


How to Become a Mad Scientist -- in Two Easy Steps, July 2024


Ardis Gonzales, Part 1 and Part 2, Aug. 2022

Michael LaRocca & the Remilllard Brickyard, full and condensed, 7/19/2017

Rod Diridon:



Liv reading to Jules and Pasqual from a Norwegian book on trolls, 12/25/19 (also lo-res);

and an informal inventory of heirlooms & artifacts, July 2020.



Margaret’s heirlooms & artifacts, Oct. 2020 [and the Mudman movie!]

Jean Dresden’s SJ Park Advocates on Google’s “Downtown West”, 11/5/2020


Larry’s favorite recipes


Past-year Christmas Cards

and how they’re made


~the Ames family